Blending Natural Medicine with Modern Science

Health only seems complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. At Ayni Pacha, we’re experts in reading bodies. We help identify what your body needs to thrive and perform optimally. We teach you how to understand your body’s unique signals, then create a personalized wellness plan that puts you on the fast track to reclaiming your power and taking back your health, so you can live the healthy life you deserve.

Something within you called you to visit Ayni Pacha and inquire about the life-changing services that I can offer you. If you are called to work with me it is likely because I carry a piece of the ‘medicine’ you currently need. Whether you are suffering from past traumas, physical pain, stress, anxiety, illness, or if you’re currently undergoing a transition, I believe I have the tools to help you heal and empower you to reach your highest expression of health and wellness. Acupuncture is an incredible modality that offers many health benefits, but it’s just one of the many services I have to offer.

I’ve been in the health and wellness industry for 17 years and I’m passionate about helping my patients achieve the highest level of health and optimization of mind, body, and spirit. My mission is to address the underlying barriers to health by getting to the root cause of an illness by utilizing Eastern, Western, and South American Medicine to help my patients regain, maintain, and enhance optimum health and vitality. This is done by taking a personalized approach to wellness. I focus on working to heal the body from the cellular level through acupuncture, nutrition, herbal medicine, plant spirit medicine, and energy healing techniques that I learned from my apprenticeship with my elders in the Q’ero lineage and Shipibo-Conibo tribes. These core practices will help you reach the root of your condition and transform it.

Philosophy & Mission Statement:

My scope of practice includes, but is not limited to:

  • Acupuncture Approaches:

    • Traditional Chinese Medicine

    • Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

    • Esoteric Acupuncture

    • Chakra Balancing Acupuncture

    • Non-Invasive Techniques

  • Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy

  • Nutraceutical Injection Therapy

  • Herbal Medicine

  • Cupping and Gua Sha

  • Functional Medicine

  • Health & Lifestyle Coaching

  • Andean Shamanic Healing

  • Shipibo Master Plant Dietas

I look forward to helping you no matter where you are in your life journey.

Brittini Harper

Our Vision

Ayni Pacha is committed to delivering the highest quality of health services to treat the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. Our desire is to build a culture of well-being and to help you realize that everything you need is already carried within you.

Our Values

  • We respect the dignity of others and are sensitive and empathic to their needs. We do this by creating a safe space for you to fully express your authentic self and share your story. You will be heard and not judged. We meet you where you are with compassion.

  • We adhere to high moral principles and professional standards by a commitment to honesty, confidentiality, trust, respect, and transparency.

  • We love what we do and it shows. Passion makes the difference between just doing something and doing it well it is the driving force behind our practice. At Ayni Pacha, we are passionate about healthcare and advocating for our patients. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to provide help to those in need and empowering them to live a more fulfilling life that is free of pain.

  • We take a patient-centered care approach where we encourage our patients to actively collaborate and engage in the decision-making process when we design and manage a customized and comprehensive care plan. Patient goals and values are our top priority. We involve our patients at every stage to drive optimal care outcomes.

  • Our approach to health and wellness is to make your journey simple and amazing. Simplicity is all about focusing on removing unnecessary complexity and complications of our services and products until all that remains is effective and essential to your overall health. We strive to make our treatment approach patient-friendly and as simple as possible to ensure patient adherence without compromising care.

Our Services.

  • Are you tired of relying on medication for your persistent health issues? If so, it's time to try acupuncture - a natural and highly effective method for restoring your body and improving a range of conditions. From digestive problems and gynecological issues to neurological disorders and emotional disturbances, acupuncture is a holistic solution for your overall well-being. Don't wait any longer to take the first step towards a healthier and happier you. Experience the benefits of acupuncture today and discover the transformative power of this ancient practice.

  • Looking for a safe and effective way to meet your health and wellness needs? Look no further than our all-natural approach! We offer personalized herbal consults, prescription filling, custom preparations, and a complete line of tinctures that are delivered right to your door. Our products are made using only high-quality, non-GMO and cGMP-certified ingredients, ensuring that you receive the best service and products you deserve.

  • Are you facing health concerns or mental blocks? Do you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start? Look no further! We are here to help simplify your wellness journey and provide you with the necessary tools to unleash your highest potential. Our personalized programs cater to your specific needs and current position on your wellness journey. Our goal is to empower you and support you every step of the way. Take charge of your well-being and let us help you achieve your goals.

  • Looking for a natural way to manage pain, prevent diseases, and treat various health conditions without depending on medication? Biopuncture offers a natural healing approach that involves injecting small amounts of plant-based solutions into trigger points or acupoints. This technique stimulates the body's natural healing process and provides long-lasting results, making it a safer and more effective solution for those seeking an alternative to traditional medication. With biopuncture, you can say goodbye to harmful medications and hello to a healthier, more natural way of healing.

  • Discover the power of a traditional Andean despacho ceremony performed by our Ñusta Paqo. A despacho ceremony can help you manifest your desires, bring balance to your life, and align you with the energy of the universe to receive miracles. With hundreds of despachos available, you can bring health, love, abundance, blessings, and guidance into your life. Experience the transformative power of this ceremony today and live your life to the fullest!

  • Embark on a powerful healing journey with a Master Plant Dieta, and experience a transformative rite of passage that can help you access your deepest intentions and free you from the limitations of your physical body, mental state, and spiritual identity. Our Master Plant Dieta is a sacred experience that can lead to an ascension of consciousness. Through this experience, you can unlock your inner potential and reach new levels of consciousness. Start your journey today and discover the transformative power of a Master Plant Dieta.

What Conditions Can Acupuncture Treat?

World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine’s ability to treat over 200 disorders, including: 

  • Respiratory: allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, allergies, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough

  • Ear, nose, and throat, eye and mouth: eye pain, epistaxis (nose bleeds), herpes zoster, Menier’s disease, sore throat, Sjogren syndrome

  • Gastrointestinal: biliary colic, dysentery, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, peptic ulcers, gastritis, gastrospasm, morning sickness, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel syndrome, gallbladder disorders

  • Skin: acne vulgaris, neurodermatitis, pruritus, shingles outbreak

  • Gynecological: infertility, miscarriage prevention, PMS, dysmenorrhoea, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, pregnancy and postpartum disorders, labor induction, breeched baby, menopause

  • Male sexual dysfunction: prostatitis, bladder infections, recurrent lower urinary tract infection, urolithiasis, retention of urine

  • Renal: overactive bladder, urinary tract infection, cystitis, incontinence

  • Neuro-psychiatric: anxiety, depression, neurosis, bipolar disorder, irritability, sadness Bell’s palsy, facial spasm, neuralgia, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, dementia, schizophrenia, Tourette syndrome

  • Pain: musculoskeletal pain, facial pain, migraine headache, TMJ, postoperative pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, IT band syndrome, piriformis syndrome, sciatica, sprain, tennis elbow, tendinitis, stiff neck, abdominal pain, radicular pain

  • Cardiovascular/Circulatory: hypertension, hypotension, dizziness, syncope, Raynaud Syndrome, stroke, cardiac neurosis, hyperlipidemia, pain in thromboangiitis, Raynaud’s syndrome

  • General: adverse reactions to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, leukopenia, craniocerebral injury, type 2 diabetes, hemorrhagic fever, obesity, insomnia, lactation deficiency, drug and alcohol addiction, smoking cessation, post-operative convalescence

What People Are Saying

“Thank you Dr. Harper for all of your help! Your careful listening is the first sign of your commitment. With treatments including herbs, tincture, and acupuncture you have helped with my sleep, my digestion, and restored the use in my thumb and ankle where I had lost some mobility due to previous injury. Getting older is not easy, healing from serious injury is not easy, you have made my path better and I am grateful.”

Ben, Centennial

“I received an initial consult today for acupuncture and it was so stimulating to feel all the points truly working. She knows what she is doing and we covered topics about nutrition, mood, and energy. It was a potent session and I look forward to making another appointment for my back body and keep fostering the health of my body, gut, and mood.”

Chelsea, Denver

“Personable, professional, and knowledgeable about South American plant medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Intuitive healer, greatly reduced the anxiety and sleep issues that I was experiencing. I will be returning.”

Donald, Centennial