Acupuncture FAQs

  • At Ayni Pacha Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, we provide three types of acupuncture:

    • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture: Focuses on balancing the body's energy through specific points to promote healing and wellness.

    • Esoteric Acupuncture: A more spiritually oriented approach that integrates Eastern and Western philosophies, aimed at enhancing emotional and spiritual well-being.

    • Non-Invasive Acupuncture: Includes techniques like Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) therapy and acupressure, ideal for those who prefer a gentler touch without needles.

  • Please complete your evaluation and consent forms before your scheduled appointment.

    During your initial consultation, we will conduct a thorough intake assessment to identify the root cause of your condition. This session will also include acupuncture treatment tailored to your specific needs. Depending on your individual situation, we may incorporate additional therapies, including cupping, gua sha, electrical stimulation, moxibustion, and far-infrared heat therapy.

    After your initial consultation, you will receive a comprehensive treatment plan, which may include:

    • Recommendations for herbal and nutritional supplements.

    • Orders for any necessary functional and diagnostic testing.

    Your provider may also suggest scheduling a separate session for health coaching, which is considered a follow-up for established patients. This session will focus on helping you implement lifestyle changes and strategies to support your ongoing wellness journey.

  • As a general rule, one month of treatment is necessary for each year that the issue has been present. For acute conditions, patients are scheduled 2-3 times a week for a total of 3-10 treatments or until the condition is under control. Every body is unique and different ailments heal at different rates. However, most patients begin to feel relief from their symptoms within the first few treatments, while others experience complete relief after their first treatment.

    Delayed administration of subsequent acupuncture treatments may also lead to a lengthy course of treatment which will be more costly for the patient than a short-term set of consecutive treatments. It is important that patients schedule appointments in a timely manner and avoid cancellations as much as possible.

    Those that have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, TBIs, and/or those recovering from a stroke are treated as followed: 2-3 treatments per week for the first month, 1 treatment a week for one month, and then every 2 weeks for the third month of care, followed by monthly maintenance care.

  • The needles are single-use, stainless steel, sterile, and disposable. The needles are very thin and you may or may not even feel them as they are inserted into the acupuncture or trigger points. Oftentimes, patients are surprised at how comfortable and relaxed they feel. Needles are retained for 20-30 minutes depending on the condition being treated.

  • Because everybody is unique, patients experienced a wide range of sensations and emotions after undergoing a treatment. Generally, patients exhibit a deep sense of relaxation, drowsiness, euphoria, rush of energy, reduced body pain, and decreased anxiety.

  • Acupuncture is safe and highly effective with little to no side effects. The most common side effects are lightheadedness, fatigue, and minor bruising may occur.

  • Yes. Acupuncture is very safe when practiced by a Licensed Acupuncturist. Licensed Acupuncture Physicians receive over 4,000 hours of extensive training in both Eastern and Western Medicine and are required to pass all four comprehensive national board examinations administered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

  • Take your medication or supplements as you normally would, while avoiding caffeine and other stimulants at least 6 hours prior to your treatment. Remember to eat a light meal or snack before you come in and dress comfortably.

  • We strongly advise against purchasing prescribed herbal products and supplements from other third-party suppliers. Many products sold on Amazon and from other unauthorized vendors are often counterfeit, expired, and may contain harmful additives, which will prolong your care and end up costing you more money in the long run. We have many convenient options for our patients to shop online directly from our authorized manufacturers and suppliers. This ensures you are receiving the exact products and compounds you are prescribed in their highest potency, and prevents any delays in treatment. Check out the link in our store or contact us directly if you have any questions.

Payment & Insurance FAQs

  • Payment for all services is required at the time of booking. A 3.75% surcharge applies for credit card payments. We also accept Zelle and Venmo.

    Diagnostic orders are not included in our services and must be paid separately. Some lab tests may be covered by insurance, and we can provide a superbill upon request.

  • Yes, you can use your FSA, HSA, or HRA to pay for acupuncture services at our clinic.

    You can pay using your FSA or HSA debit card, or pay out-of-pocket and submit the invoice for reimbursement.

    Please contact your plan administrator to ensure that you can use your card for these services and to check for any specific documentation requirements.

  • Ayni Pacha currently does not accept insurance, but if your plan offers out-of-network benefits, you may be eligible for partial reimbursement. After your appointment, we can provide a detailed superbill, including the necessary ICD-10 and CPT codes, upon request. You can then submit this to your insurance provider, or we can submit it on your behalf. Most patients receive 25-75% reimbursement depending on their insurance company.

  • Every insurance plan is different. Insurance coverage varies by plan. Some may cover part of your treatment, while others might not offer out-of-network benefits. To get accurate details about your coverage, contact your insurance provider and inquire about out-of-network deductibles, co-insurance rates, and coverage limits.

  • Even with out-of-network coverage, reimbursement is not guaranteed. Insurance providers decide what they will reimburse, and we cannot ensure that all claims will be approved.

  • Yes, we offer discounted acupuncture treatment packages. These packages are based on our standard cash rates, with discounts of 10% or 15%, depending on the package selected. For example, with a package, the initial consultation is reduced from $161.11 to $145, and follow-up sessions from $111.11 to $100.

    If you'd like more information about our packages, please contact us directly.

  • If you choose to use your insurance for reimbursement, full payment is required at the time of service: $161.11 for an initial consultation and $111.11 for follow-up sessions. After your appointment, you may request a superbill, which you can submit to your insurance provider for potential reimbursement. As a courtesy, we can also submit the superbill on your behalf. However, please note that reimbursement is determined by your insurance plan's out-of-network benefits, and we cannot guarantee reimbursement. It's your responsibility to verify your insurance coverage prior to your appointment.

  • By staying out-of-network, we can focus on delivering personalized, high-quality care without being limited by insurance company requirements. This approach allows us to offer treatments tailored to your unique health needs and goals. While we are currently out-of-network with all insurance providers, we are actively working toward becoming an in-network provider with select plans in the future. Please feel free to check back with us regarding updates to our insurance affiliations.

  • Discounts: Packages cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional offers.

    Non-Transferability: Packages are non-transferable and can only be used by the individual who purchased them.

    Refund Policy: All package purchases are final and non-refundable. No refunds will be issued for unused sessions or for any other reason.

    Expiration: Packages must be used within one year from the date of purchase. Any unused sessions after this period will expire and be forfeited.

    Session Scheduling: Patients must schedule their sessions in advance. It is recommended to book early to secure preferred appointment times.

    Cancellation Policy: A 24-hour notice is required for any cancellations or rescheduling of appointments. Late cancellations may result in the forfeiture of a session from the package.

    Modifications: Ayni Pacha Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Clients will be notified of any changes.

  • In Washington state, patients requesting copies of their medical records can expect to be charged $1.24 per page for the first 30 pages and $0.94 for each additional page, along with a $28.00 clerical fee. For electronic records, the fee is capped at $0.94 per page. While there is no fee for searching or retrieving records, postage costs may apply if records are mailed.

Facial Rejuvenation FAQs

  • Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe, natural way to rejuvenate your skin and bring back it’s natural glow. Uses Traditional Chinese Medicine to address signs of aging (wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots) and other cosmetic concerns such as skin discoloration, acne and blemishes, scars, facial paralysis, and facial swelling.

  • This superficial needling increases the quality of Qi (energy) and blood circulating to the face. Increased blood circulation to the face hydrates the skin and promotes collagen production for increased muscle tone and elasticity through the creation of micro traumas in the dermis produced by sterile needles where collagen and elastin are produced.

  • Cosmetic Acupuncture is less expensive, less invasive, safer, and an all natural alternative than modern treatments. It’s virtually risk-free and there are none of the side effects of facelift surgery and other cosmetic procedures like lasers and injections that require a lengthly recovery time and may leave the patient with numbness, scarring, and muscle atrophy.

  • Cosmetic acupuncture isn’t indicated for those with the following conditions: uncontrolled hypertension, anyone taking blood-thinning medication or baby aspirin (increases the risk of bruising), pregnant women, seizure disorders, or if you recently received facial injections of any kind.

  • As with any acupuncture treatment there is always a risk of bruising or bleeding. These instances are not very common but the can minimized by taking Arnica before and during the course of your treatments. Some common supplements that can thin your blood include aspirin, baby aspirin, and Vitamin E.

  • No, you will receive a full body acupuncture treatment. We will address your constitution and health complaints while working on the appearance of your skin. At RHE, we focus on healing the body from the inside out in order to harmonize and correct any imbalances.

Facial Rejuvenation Protocol:

If you are not an existing patient, the first step is an initial consultation where we review your complete medical history and address any underlying health concerns. This is essential for effective healing and overall wellness.

After the initial consultation, you will need to commit to 2 treatments per week for 6 weeks. Due to high demand, all 12 treatments should be scheduled in advance.

Once you complete the 12 Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments, it’s recommended to maintain your results with one treatment per month, or at least one every 3 months.

For healthy individuals, results can last 2-3 years if you follow lifestyle advice. After this period, repeating the full 12-treatment protocol is recommended. Many patients choose to complete this protocol once a year to maintain optimal results.

Cosmetic Acupuncture Vs. Botox Injections

Botulism bacterium (sterilized), commonly known as “Botox,” involves injecting a nerve toxin into frown lines and wrinkles to temporarily paralyze facial muscles. In contrast, Cosmetic Acupuncture does not involve injecting any substances. Instead, it uses ultra-fine needles and a superficial needling technique to stimulate the body to naturally produce anti-aging properties and enhance collagen and elastin production.

Botox injections are performed in a single session and typically last 3-6 months. Cosmetic Acupuncture involves a series of treatments over 6 weeks and provides results that can last 2-3 years. Additionally, Cosmetic Acupuncture can address other health concerns you may have.

Treatment Preparation

What to do before your appointment:

  • Eat a light meal before your treatment.

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine for at least 6 hours prior.

  • Refrain from intense exercise for 4 hours before your appointment.

  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

  • Avoid beverages that could discolor your tongue.

  • Bring a list of all medications you are currently taking.

  • Bring recent laboratory results and diagnostic imaging.

  • Please avoid wearing perfume, cologne, or other strong fragrances to your appointment. This helps ensure a comfortable and allergy-friendly environment for all patients.

What to do after your appointment:

  • Rest and avoid strenuous activities: Take it easy for the rest of the day to let your body integrate the treatment.

  • Eat a light meal and stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol.

  • Limit stimulants: Avoid coffee, nicotine, or anything that may disrupt your energy.

  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to changes in symptoms, energy, mood, or sleep for future reference.

  • Apply heat if needed: Gentle warmth can soothe soreness, but avoid ice unless directed.

  • Follow post-treatment instructions

  • Fire cupping marks: Red, blue, or purple marks may appear and fade in 3-10 days. Keep the area covered and avoid extreme temperatures, wind, or fans.

Clinic Policies:

  • Non-Refundable Payment Policy: All services, herbal formulas, and plant medicine supplies are non-refundable. No refunds will be issued for any unused services, packages, or expired gift certificates, whether in full or partial amounts.

  • Confidentiality: Client services and chart information are confidential. Written authorization is required from you to release any information.

  • Mobile Devices: Please turn off or silence your phone and avoid using electronics in the treatment room.

  • Important: If initial evaluation and consent forms are not completed before your appointment, your session will be canceled, and you will need to reschedule.

Cancellation & No-Show Policies:

Cancellations and No-Shows: In the event that a patient cancels or reschedules their appointment without providing at least 24 hours' notice, or if they fail to attend their scheduled appointment without prior notification, the full amount of the scheduled service will be charged to the credit card on file. We understand that emergencies may arise, and these situations will be evaluated on an individual basis. Please note that if a package session was used for booking, the session will be deducted from your package total.

Late Arrivals: If you arrive late, your treatment will be adjusted to fit within your scheduled appointment time and will not be extended into the next patient’s slot. Arrivals more than 15 minutes late will need to be rescheduled. Please note, that you will still be responsible for the full cost of the treatment, regardless of the shortened session. Additionally, if a package session was used for booking, the session will be deducted from your package total

Termination of Physician/Patient Relationship: If a patient misses two consecutive appointments (no-shows), the physician/patient relationship will be terminated.

Important Reminder: Please value your health and your provider’s time by giving sufficient notice if you need to cancel. Missed appointments prevent other patients from receiving care.