Ready to transform your life?

Did you know that most if not all illnesses originate from an emotional cause?

Did you also know that you can tap into the emotional-spiritual cause of an illness, and process and purge the emotion by working with plants? Plants can help you reach deep levels where these emotions are stored in the limbic system. What often takes years of psychotherapy to work through the many complex layers of trauma can be healed through a Master Plant Dieta and usually in a shorter period. However, with a Master Plant Dieta, it’s not like reopening a wound where you have to talk about your trauma week after week.

Dieting a Master Plant is a spiritual rite of passage that takes self-healing to the next level. You will be taken to the source of an emotional wound that you may have been unconsciously repressing, but is manifesting as hypertension, anxiety, depression, or digestive problems to name a few conditions commonly linked to repressed emotions. This may also mean working through the suppressed emotions that you’ve been consciously avoiding because you were unsure how to process and work through them, but are now at the forefront of your behavior.

People suppress unpleasant thoughts and emotions in a variety of ways, using distraction (binging one Netflix show after the next), numbing (substance abuse or self-harm), exercise addiction, binge eating, or self-starvation. Suppressed emotions are ever-consuming and are there to stay until addressed and released. Master Plants help shed clarity on self-sabotaging and unproductive behaviors, so one can heal and gently purge and release the emotions they’ve worked so hard to suppress.

Woman in meditative state while on psychedelics

What is a Master Plant Dieta?

A Master Plant Dieta also referred to as a Shamanic Dieta, consists of strict and rigorous discipline and commitment from beginning to end. Curanderos in Shipibo-Conibo culture have been prescribing Master Plant Dietas for over 2000 years. Shipibo Plant Medicine works in direct contrast to Western medicine. In Western medicine, the goal is to subdue the symptom, but with plant medicine, the Shipibo believe a symptom is the body’s way of trying to process and purge the illness from within. Undergoing a Dieta means to physically and spiritually cleanse the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body at the deepest level by removing imprints from the DNA and cellular level that occurs from physical or emotional trauma.

Once the body is cleansed, it becomes a crystal clear vessel that acts as a gateway to transmit and receive plant wisdom, healing, and blessings, and some people receive icaros (medicine songs). The healing of old wounds at the core level is necessary to achieve accession into a higher state of consciousness or a higher purpose. It’s the foundational work that forms a relationship with the Plant Spirit that continues to evolve over time. The Shipibo have proven that this is the most effective way to transcend and achieve long-lasting healing from many conditions that plague many people today such as disease, generational trauma, and psychological, behavioral, or psychosomatic disorders.

Traditional uses of a Master Plant Dieta:

  • Shamanic apprenticeship

  • Stimulate the body’s innate ability to self-heal

  • Receive guidance, wisdom, and direction

  • Increase physical strength and stamina

  • Develop sensitivity and intuition

  • Ward off negative energy and disease

  • Purification of the body and spirit

  • Increase animal instincts when hunting

It’s not uncommon to feel β€œcalled” to work with a specific plant. Some individuals receive messages to diet a plant from the Plant Spirit directly through dreams, intuition, or mediation. Others connect with the plant after reading about its health and spiritual benefits, as to which Dieta would most benefit them at this moment in time or to address a certain aliment. If you’re unsure of which plant would be of benefit to you, Dr. Harper will select a plant that best suits your unique needs after connecting with your energy and discussing your concerns during your consultation.

Are you ready to take healing to the next level?

A Master Plant Dieta is Effective for:

Anyone. There is not a single person that cannot benefit from dieting a plant at least once in their life. Whether you’re dealing with a physical condition or spiritual-emotional condition, there is a plant you can diet to help heal and address your concern at the deepest level. Plant Spirits meet us where we are on our life’s journey. We’re only shown what we’re ready for and not what we want, meaning the challenges you’ll face on a Dieta are what needs to be healed and released at this time. You are never given more than you can handle. A Master Plant Dieta is also incredibly beneficial to do prior to working with other Plant Medicine such as ayahuasca to further enhance your journey, helping to begin the removal of energetic blockages and increasing the sensitivity to the plant medicine.

Master Plant Dietas have been proven to be effective for the following concerns:

  • Addictive behaviors and substance abuse

  • Depression, chronic/lifelong, unresponsive to pharmaceuticals or therapy

  • Anxiety, living in the past or future

  • Low self-esteem or self-worth

  • Anger, rage, chronic stress

  • PTSD, unresolved childhood trauma or sexual abuse

  • Lack of life purpose, no sense of self, hopelessness, aimlessness

  • Physical health conditions and physical pain

  • Soul loss, karmic ties, and soul contracts

  • Self-limiting beliefs

  • Spirit/entity attachments

  • Broken heart, emotionally closed off, attachment issues, codependency

Social & Isolated Dietas

I only offer Plant Dietas with Master Plants that I’ve dieted and have a strong personal relationship with such as ajo sacha, ayahuasca vine, bobinsana, chuchuhuasi, cacao, rose, and uΓ±a de gato. These sacred Master Plants are discussed in detail below.

  • Social Dieta aka a Soft Dieta is 30 days (ideal) or at least 2 weeks (minimum), it takes about 8 days for the plant to root in the body. A Social Dieta doesn’t require self-isolation, so you can continue to carry out your major daily activities. One can still be around others and go about their normal daily life such as working and interacting with others in their immediate (family, close friends) circle outside of work, but limiting social interactions such as parties, social gatherings, events, etc. Along with limiting social interactions, one must forgo media, electronic use (outside of work/necessary communication with loved ones), physical touch, and certain foods that can be consumed throughout the Dieta and during the integration period. Restrictions are explained in detail in the PDF guidelines.

  • 10-day Isolated Dieta is ideal for those who can self-isolate (excluding animals) and immerse themselves in nature. Although it is completely possible to do this in the comfort of your own home. The Isolated Dieta requires further dietary restrictions than the Social Dieta and is much shorter in length, but can and has been extended beyond the 10-day period by many dieters in the past.

Ajo sacha master plant dieta, blood cleanser, warming, herb, higher consciousness, shamanic healer, shaman

Ajo Sacha (Masoa alliacea): Stalking the Self

  • Vessel opener that infuses pervasive light into the energy body

  • Influences the sacral chakra and cleanses the womb

  • Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, repressed emotions, soul loss

  • Ability to hunt or β€œstalk” their inner issues and shadow self

  • Opens the psyche and energy pathways, allowing ayahuasca and other Plant Medicine to integrate properly into the physical body

  • Establishes healthy boundaries in relationships

  • Teacher in confidence, courage, and motivation

  • Strengthens one’s body and will, especially during vital life changes

  • Protection against spiritual attacks and intrusive energies, forming an astral shield around the passenger

  • Invigorates and purifies the physical, emotional, and spiritual body of microbes, spiritual attacks, intrusive energies, self-limiting and harmful beliefs

  • Attracts good luck

  • Contraindicated in pregnancy and those seeking to get pregnant.

Ajo sacha is a beautiful violet shrubby vine that is native to the upper Amazon rainforest and translates to β€œwild garlic” or β€œforest garlic”. The Shipibo respect this plant by using all of its parts for Shamanic Plant Dietas, plant baths, and steam baths. The Shipibo believe that this Plant Spirit is neither male nor female, while other indigenous tribes state that ajo sacha exists both in male and female form. Ajo sacha opens up the shamanic path and gives the apprentice the ability to see beyond conventional reality.

Ayahuasca vine master plant dieta, b. caapi, expand consciousness, soul healing, third eye, lucid dreaming

Ayahuasca Vine (Banisteriopsis caapi): Vine of the Soul

  • Heart-opener and soul healing, influences the crown chakra and third eye

  • Grounding, calming effect on the central nervous system

  • Deepens meditative state and lucid dreaming

  • Enhances empathy and supports physical, mental, and spiritual growth

  • Heightens intuition and spiritual insight

  • Profound clarity of life purpose and direction, and helps one navigate the challenges of life

  • Reprograms the neural network and codes the system with new improved cellular health, resulting in expanded awareness & shift in consciousness

  • Contraindicated with MAOIs, tyramine-containing foods, sleeping pills, migraine, allergy, and OTC cold/flu medications, pregnancy, and those seeking to get pregnant.

  • B. caapi does not contain DMT. This master plant is only available for passengers that have previously dieted under my supervision

Ayahuasca is a giant vine that grows like DNA, twinging on other plants for support in the Amazonian rainforest. B. caapi vine is commonly known as ayahuasca, yagΓ©, or caapi and has either a feminine or masculine spirit depending on the region the brew is served. Ayahuasca, meaning β€œvine of the soul” has an extensive history of use among Amazonian indigenous populations for at least 10,000 years and is currently becoming a highly studied plant among researchers today. This sacred Plant Teacher has its own unique cosmology of healing and transforming the physical body and human consciousness. Madre ayahuasca gives the apprentice the ability to download cutting-edge information and activate DNA to heal deep trauma and clear genetic lineages.

Bobinsana master plant dieta, womb healer, heart chakra healer, sacral chakra healer, ptsd, childhood wounds

Bobinsana (Calliandra angustufolia): Little Doctor

  • Heart-opener, influences the heart chakra

  • Heals matters of the heart, broken heart, intense grief, loss, sadness

  • PTSD, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, repressed emotions, family karma

  • Grounding, calming effect on the central nervous system

  • Enhances dream state and lucid dreaming

  • Strengthens intuition and empathy connection to the spirit world

  • Self-love and compassion for self and others

  • Contraindicated in pregnancy and those seeking to get pregnant.

Bobinsana is a powerful shamanic heart-healing ally and lucid dreaming aid. She grows on the banks of rivers. Sirenita Bobinsana has a feminine mermaid spirit and is associated with the pink river dolphin, connected to the Amazonian mermaid myths. Bobinsana is often the first plant diet for those new to the Plant Medicine path.

Cacao growing on tree in Guatemala

Cacao (Theobroma cacao): Food of the Gods

  • Heart and womb healer, influences and opens the heart and sacral chakra

  • Heals matters of the heart, repressed emotions, sexual trauma, miscarriage, childhood wounds

  • Roots us into Pachamama, assists us in being more present

  • Safely supports one to break through barriers and obstacles to create a massive shift on their life path

  • Inspires creativity, supports us as we peel away layers of trauma, suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs, and fears

  • Heightens emotional awareness and intuition, deepens our connection to the Spirit world

  • Enables us to hear our true self and helps align us with who we truly are, allowing us to remember our innate talents, skills, and life purpose

  • Enhances our vibrational frequency of feelings of love, joy, universal connection, and a sense of peacefulness

  • Contraindicated in pregnancy and those seeking to get pregnant.

Cacao grows in pod-like fruit on the tropical evergreen tree that’s native to the Upper Amazon Basin and spread northward to Mesoamerica 5300 years ago. In south-central Mexico, it was referred to as β€œKakaw” and made up a large part of their diet and culture where it was used ceremonially and shamanistically. A cacao Dieta takes the apprentice on a journey of deep and transformational growth through a process of self-discovery, by empowering one to break through barriers surrounding the heart, while simultaneously filling the heart space with love and gratitude.

Chuchuhuasi master plant dieta, largest amazonian tree, rainforest, adrenal health, adrenal fatigue, energy, life force energy

Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus krukovii): Increased Life Force

  • Strengthens and protects the physical and energetic body from entities, draining energies, and disease

  • Influences all the organs and systems associated with the sacral chakra

  • Strengthens and balances masculine energy

  • Releases anger and heals grief, works on integrity

  • Grounding, relieves social anxiety and feeling unsafe around others

  • Contraindicated in pregnancy and those seeking to get pregnant.

Chuchuhuasi is an enormous canopy tree indigenous to the Amazonian rainforest. The reddish bark has been used for centuries for both curative and prophylactic purposes. It’s commonly called β€œgo-juice” and β€œtrembling back” for its energizing tonic effects and its pain-relieving, anti-arthritic properties. Chuchuhuasi is a masculine Plant Teacher that’s dieted to strengthen and protect an apprentice from intrusive energies.

Red rose master plant dieta, heart mender, healing, womb healer, heart healer, self-love, love

Rose (Rosa canina): Goddess of Divine Love

  • Heart opener, influences the heart chakra

  • Strengthens, awakens, and heals matters of the heart, broken heart, intense grief, loss, sadness, betrayal, guilt

  • Heals and restores our connection to our inner child

  • Cleanses beliefs around trauma and true soul essence

  • Evokes the spirit of love in the heart and the mind

  • Teacher self-acceptance and unconditional love of self and other

  • Heals birth trauma, the mother wound, and ancestral matrilineal lines

  • Builds and strengthens relationship with self and others

  • Promotes happiness and calms the mind-body

  • Realigns and deeply connects the passenger with the cycles and rhythms of Pachamama

  • Contraindicated in pregnancy and those seeking to get pregnant.

The rose flower is one of the oldest plant species on earth with the first trace of rose found in a fossil dating back to 70 million years. Among the 200 different rose species found across the globe, we only work with a handful of species within our Master Plant Dietas. Rose medicine carries beautiful radiant energy of divine love that penetrates deep within the heart. This Plant Spirit is a gentle yet powerful plant ally that invokes wild feminine energy that awakens ancient memories and connects us to the Goddess in all forms while restoring the balance of the sacred feminine energy. A Rose Dieta allows the apprentice to look through the shaman's lens at the soul essence of ourselves through the veils of our shadow illusions from a place of love and compassion.

una de gato, cat's claw, vine, cat's claw master plant dieta, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, jaguar, west

UΓ±a De Gato (Uncaria tomentosa): Opener of the Way

Cat’s claw is a woody vine that uses its claw-shaped thorns to climb trees in Central and South America. This Plant Teacher is one of the most well-researched plants in the jungle with an extensive range of biological and spiritual effects. It’s referred to as the β€œopener of the way” for its ability to cleanse the entire gastrointestinal tract and treat all gastrointestinal disorders. Cat’s claw is associated with the spirit of the jaguar. The King of the Jungle gives the apprentice the protection and strength to go about their day with cat-like prowess and power.

  • Strengthens, balances, and harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit

  • Protection against disease and entities

  • Restores the inner sacred union of the soul and physical body

  • Transforms and eliminates energetic and spiritual blockages within the chakras

  • Enhances intuition and offers clarity to one’s life and spiritual journey

  • Heals spiritual-body disturbances, psychological disorders, anxiety, and depression

  • Contraindicated with blood thinners, skin grafts, bone marrow, or organ transplants, and those seeking to get pregnant.

The gifts in the magic of a Master Plant Dieta are accessible to anyone who approaches the Plant Spirit world with respect, gratitude, and an open heart.

Ayahuasca painting of healer, eagle, jauagar, snake, hummingbird. plants

Expansion of Consciousness

Your Dieta begins the moment you decide to commit to this life-changing path. People typically begin to feel subtle effects after deciding on a sacred plant, which becomes more pronounced once the preparation diet begins. It takes about one week for the plants to root in the body and the spiritual body becomes more sensitive throughout the duration of a Dieta. As the energetic bodies begin to heal, the passenger is more receptive to receiving messages and healing from their chosen Plant Spirit.

Woman and shaman healer at Ayahuasca ceremony retreat

Sealing Your Dieta

Brittini has found a unique way to intertwine both Andean and Shipibo shamanism into the Master Plant Dietas service she offers. She will perform a beautiful despacho ceremony on the passenger’s behalf. A despacho offering is a gift, an action of ayni, reciprocity. When one gives, one receives, which in this case is a lifelong relationship with your new plant spirit teacher.

Firstly, this offering is a gift for your Plant Spirit. Thanking your plant ally for the wisdom and healing you received throughout your Dieta and for what is to come in your relationship with your Plant Spirit as it continues to develop and evolve. Secondly, this ceremony is one way Brittini will seal the energies of your Dieta and close your energy field to prevent energy imbalance, and place a protective arkana. This marks the closing of your Dieta so your integration work can begin to take place. Lastly, this ceremony is a beautiful way to celebrate the completion of your Master Plant Dieta as well as to send blessings into your life as you continue to move forward on your spiritual journey.

Along with a despacho ceremony, Brittini will explain in greater detail what the dieter must do during and after the ceremony to physically seal their Dieta the traditional way her Shipibo elders of the Amazon taught her.



  • After connecting with your energy, Dr. Harper will select a Master Plant for you to diet if you’re not sure which plant is best for you at this phase of your life’s journey. Further explanation of the Dieta and restrictions will be provided in detail. Questions will be answered at this time.

  • High-quality Peruvian Plant Medicine with extraction instructions.

  • Contains B. Cappi vine, no DMT. Microdosing B. Cappi enhances your connection with the Plant Spirit world and helps expand consciousness.

  • Dr. Harper will open your energy field so you can begin connecting with your Plant Spirit. She will place an arkana on you, a protection seal that protects against further negative energies from being absorbed.

  • A despacho offering is made to seal the Dieta. An arkana is also placed on the passenger to close their energy field and lock in the healing designs that have been laid into their energy body by their Plant Teacher.

Master Plant Dieta

You Will Receive the Following Items and Services

Special note: Brittini only accepts a maximum of 4 dieta passengers at a time to ensure each passenger receives the support and energy they need. Pricing is the same for isolated Dietas. You will receive the same amount of Master Plant supplies, however, the Dieta will be conducted slightly differently as will the amount of Plant Medicine consumed. If you choose to extend your Dieta longer than one month, a discounted rate is available for the subsequent weeks. Contact Brittini for further information.

Ready to take your journey a step further, consider these add-ons:

  • A 20-day supply of organically cultivated and blessed herbs are in each set. This energy cleansing protocol is used to heal your energy field, clearing away accumulated heavy energy and deepening your connection to the Plant Spirit world. Sweet herbs are then used to call in and attract energies of sweetness and good luck into your life. Flower baths are commonly given by a curandero prior to an Ayahuasca ceremony and a Master Plant Dieta to begin the purification process so the energy body can start to heal.

  • Used to cleanse the energy body before an Ayahuasca ceremony and Master Plant Dieta.

  • Deepen your relationship with your Plant Ally after the close of your Dieta.

  • Contains only pure B. caapi no DMT. Microdose for physical and spiritual healing, strengthening immunity, grounding energies, dreamwork, and integration.

  • Handmade in small batches and shamanically blessed in ceremony.

  • Sustainable, fair trade palo santo and white sage smudge spray are available for purchase.

  • Dr. Harper will help you navigate the return back into normal life. Integration can sometimes be a challenge for those that are not used to living in a high vibrational state or those who have never experienced a re-birth. Additional one-on-one support may be needed during this period of integration.